Friday, April 20, 2012

hidden damage

I'd heard that your nails often show the state of your health.
Sort of a history, shown almost like the rings of a tree.
But I'd never been able to really see anything, until now.
Can you see it? Those darker curved lines at the base of each nail? (Or is it the lighter parts in between?) And there's another, coming in at the base, which you might be able to see if I'd taken the time to push back my cuticles before taking the picture (I know you'll ignore my lack of manicure).

I figure there is one "ring" for each chemo treatment. Probably takes a couple of weeks before it starts to show up.

Proof that my body isn't especially happy with how it's being treated.

It's not the cancer that makes your immune system weak, your body less able to do what it normally does. It's the treatment.

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