Thursday, June 21, 2012


Know what? Radiation is kinda boring.

I come in, wave at the receptionist on my way to the dressing room, swap all my clothing above the waist for a hospital gown, and lay down on a table. Then 2-3 technicians push me around a bit to get me positioned correctly under the lasers and such, while I pretend I'm a mannequin* - whatever position they put me in, that's how I'll stay.
Everyone clears the room, leaving me alone while a machine shoots radiation at the selected areas. A few minutes later, I'm all done, the techs help me up from the table, I change back into my clothes, and I'm outta there.


Or, it could be.

Truth is, the techs are nice people. They tell me they like the music I chose to listen to (I asked for Neon Trees, or anyone like them), and sometimes, they even dance. While they wait for the machine to finish circling out of the way, or the table to come back down, they dance. And I lay there half-naked on a table, with my feet rubber-banded together. (Is it just me, or does this sound like something out of Rocky Horror?)

*Did you ever play that game when you were little? you stand still (or you sit, or lay down) and your friend takes hold of your arm or whatever and positions you in various awkward positions? Just me? Okay. Nevermind.

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