Wednesday, February 22, 2012

buzz is fading fast

I've noticed, with this super-short buzz, that I have more naturally dark hair than I thought I might.

I started going gray when I had the Twins, so dying my hair isn't a new thing for me. It's just that more and more of it was turning up gray in recent years, so, that there was anything left of my natural color was surprising to me. But obviously, with it this short, most of that dark hair must be natural. My last color treatment was in early January.

At any rate, brunette or gray, it's thinning fast.

I forgot to take a picture Sunday or Monday. I took one post-shower Tuesday, but the lighting was odd and bluish, so we'll just skip to Wednesday (today):

Interesting how it seems to be evenly distributing the hair loss. I do have a few bare patches in front, but from the back, it mostly just looks thin and sparse.

FYI: I still can't seem to pull much of it out on purpose. Weird.

Also, for the curious among you: Yes, other places are shedding as well. I still need to shave my legs and underarms (not that I bother, unless they're going to be visible), but I think I can safely say that I won't be needing a bikini wax by the time swimsuit season hits.

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