Wednesday, February 15, 2012

losing it

This morning, as I unbraided my hair (long hair should be braided at night, to keep it from tangling and getting everywhere), there was a fair amount of hair that just came out while I finger-brushed through it.

And then, in the shower, running my fingers through my hair as I gently washed it, it didn't seem to take much to pull out more. Not that I was trying, mind you, it's just one of the things that happens when you wash your hair and then put conditioner in it.

I was half-afraid to pull the towel from my head afterwards.

I still have hair. I still look normal. But it's on its' way out.

For the record, this is day 14.

(was scared to try it, but, I am happy to report: when I grab some hair and try to pull it out, it doesn't just fall away in my hands. thank heavens.)

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