Saturday, February 18, 2012

Day 17

I'm convinced: the best way to have a good attitude about hair loss with chemo is to find the right wig (or wigs).

Every time I looked at the short, dark wig, I'd sneer at it. It looked good on, but, I just wasn't thrilled. I wasn't ready to go that short again right now. Or something. Which is what led me to go out wig shopping, never mind the cost. (Yes, they can be very expensive.)

In contrast, every time I looked at the blonde wig, I'd think to myself, "once I lose the rest of my hair, I get to wear that!" And that's the kind of thing that can boost your day, even if your hair does come out by the handful in the shower. (Which it did, more so than yesterday even, but I'll spare you the pictures this time.)

This morning, I brushed my hair (which resulted in a smallish handful of loose hair in my hands), and considered, just for a minute, not washing it today.
It still looked normal. I knew if I washed it, I'd lose a lot more hair, and I'd have to just give it up and buzz the rest off. But, buzzing off the remainder today seemed more logical than trying to fit that in tomorrow, what with church and everything, so, wash it I did.

Now even a stranger would know I was losing my hair. It has the fine quality of a toddlers' hair: lovely soft, but so thin. If I didn't care much about how I looked, I suppose I could have gone out like this.

But I care.

Plus, I had that cute blonde wig waiting for me! How could I resist?

So today, this is me:

For one thing, I got a lot more looks driving to work as a blonde in my convertible than I ever did as a brunette. As for those that know me? My co-workers all like it. My Twins? Well, they'll get used to it.

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