Friday, February 3, 2012

pretty and practical

I wanted to post this pic much earlier, but I couldn't get the picture to load while using my kindle to blog, and just didn't get back to it until now.

The lovely arrangement with roses and lilies was from the book club gals, and came with an incredible note that totally made my week. The smell from the lilies was HEAVENLY, like you wouldn't believe, and you could smell them all the way down the hall from the next floor up. Amazing.

The fresh and pretty daisies with roses was from my first husband, and came with a very sweet note that read, "to the strongest woman I know". Totally blown away by that. So sweet of him to send flowers. He's been amazing about this ever since I told him. We've been divorced for nearly 19 years, and been friendly for the last 10 or so. Even though he's just been through some very tough stuff himself, and is in law school, full time, he's been right there when I needed him.

The bread was from Jupiter, my roller-derby gal-pal. She made it herself, using eggs produced by her own chickens! I want to be just like Jupiter! Bread did not last long - I couldn't leave it alone.

Not pictured here, because it was upstairs in the entryway, for all to enjoy, is a lovely live-plant arrangement from one of my clients. I'm letting mom keep that one alive while I get my schedule mostly back to normal. I'm afraid it would die if I took it home, as I'm much better at keeping plants alive at my office. Starting to work mostly normal days now (with days off around chemo as needed), so it may come to the office soon. I love that I have clients that thought to send me something.

There were also many texts, phone calls, emails, and posts on facebook wishing me well throughout. All so very inspiring and heart-warming.
Especially all the people who dressed up in pink for the day of my surgery - some of them whole families - including most of my office:
many of whom went home before this picture was taken. I work with some amazing and compassionate people. They've been so supportive from the very beginning, even though this is our busiest season. I can't thank them enough.

I am so blessed.

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