Friday, February 17, 2012

hair loss increasing

This may be a bit of TMI, but, I wanted to show exactly what's been happening, so, I took pictures.

Of my hair.

Which I'm shedding at an alarming rate. (Sorry.)

On the left, that is most of what I shed yesterday (day 15). I didn't wash my hair that day - I only brushed it. I was going to try on wigs that morning, and I wanted not to be damp.
On the right, the larger mass is what came out as I washed my hair this morning (day 16). The smaller is what came out as I rinsed. (Less a little that came out while showering the rest of me that I didn't save for you.)

In the interest of perspective, I'd say that the larger mass, if gathered up softly, would be about the size of a softball. Roughly.

You may be wondering, with that much hair just falling from my scalp, if I've any left?

(Personally, yes, I was afraid to look in the mirror after I finished my shower. And I didn't dare even try to put any product in like I usually do. I knew that would just result in more hair in my hand and less on my head.)

Took pictures of that, too.


Not bald yet. Not really even noticeable.

Even from the back.

Surprised? I was, too.

I'd read that you could lose up to 50% of your hair before anyone else would notice. I found that hard to believe. But it's clearly true.

FYI: Touching my hair, in any way, especially running your fingers through it, does in fact result in a fair amount of hair coming away in your hand. I don't recommend it.
Oddly, I still can't purposely pull anything out if I try. Not that I'm yanking hard on it, you understand. Just grabbing a hank and giving it a tug. It's just thinning itself.

Tomorrow? I'll be having an impromptu "coming out" party for my hair. I'll be buzzing what's left of it short. I think. Anyone care to join me?


  1. As you know it won't make much of a difference and I was going to do it soon anyway, but I will be buzzing my hair tomorrow too.
