Tuesday, January 24, 2012

practically normal

Woke up Monday morning feeling basically normal, but not wanting to behave as though I am.

Sure, I'm still a little stiff on the right, also numb in places (though mostly when it's swollen, which is almost all the time right now), and I'm not allowed to do any heavy lifting still, but, awake, alert, refreshed, and pretty much normal.

I convinced myself I could work half-days this week. No actual commitment intended (my office isn't asking me, either - they don't want me to push myself or come in if I'm not feeling totally ready to work), just an idea that I would try to put in 4 hrs of actual work at the office each day.

So far, that's worked out.

So far, I feel pretty good at the end of the day.

But the week isn't half over yet, so, we'll see.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you're able to do half normal days. That must feel good. Thinking of and praying for you.
