Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Today, I came upstairs for breakfast (around 10am) had a relaxing meal, including peppermint tea, and some made-up on-the-spot breakfast pizza (something to do with cream cheese, berries, brown sugar, chocolate chips, etc. Seriously delicious!).

After breakfast, the boys and mom took off on errands, and I sat in the living room chatting with my sister. UPS came, delivering a package from my brother: a stylus for my kindle! Seriously awesome for me, since touch-screens don't always respond to me. Dunno why, they just don't. Then flowers came from a client (I love that I have clients like that!), and, it was a very nice morning/early afternoon.

Then, in between phone calls and texts for work (which I was totally up for), I dressed myself (which may not sound like much, but I couldn't do it yesterday) and went for a walk. Just a short one, down the street and around the church park at the bottom, then back home.

Once I was home again, my underarm started to complain at me. Too much activity, I guess. So now I'm sitting on the couch, watching TV, with my arm propped up and an ice pack tucked under it.

Ups and downs. All part of the package.

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